Meet Willie
Outstanding Sire, Lifetime Achievement Award Winner
Supreme Grand Champion Chemicoons Theo's USA Pride Willie

Brown Classic Tabby & White
DOB: October 9, 2013
HCM DNA: Negative for mutation (N/N)
SMA DNA: Negative for mutation (N/N)
PK Deficiency DNA: Negative for the mutation (N/N)
HCM Screening: Normal Sept 2014, July 2015, March 2016, March 2018, July 2020, January 2022 & December 2023
Agouti Results: A/A (does not carry for solid colors)
Dilute Result: D/D (does not carry for dilute colors)

Willie's GRANDS:
*RW SGCA Chemicoons Beaker
*IW RW SGC Dracoonfly Rio Grande King
*IW RW SGC LAPurrD Fusion of Chemicoons
*RW SGC LAPurrD Sting Rey of Whatatrill
*RW TGC LAPurrD Wookie Warrior
*SGC LAPurrD Kylo Ren of Velsbechmann
*RW QGC Chemicoons Dora Maar of Koonstler
*RW SGCA Chemicoons Indium of Concordance (now showing)
*IW SGC LAPD Go Cubs Go of Chemicoons (now showing)
*RW SGC Calicoon Calya (now showing)
*RW DGC LAPD Flying the W of Chemicoons (now showing)

May 2020: Willie was retired several years ago (remains with us as king of the house) and due to an injury of his left ear by a kitten (he let chew on him), I didn't think I'd ever show him again. A friend convinced me to bring him back out and in 2018-2019 I tried. He was SO happy to be back out and even with the tip of his ear crooked, he was winning! However, another kitten injury (he developed mastitis from a nursing kitten and had to have surgery), the season was cut short for Willie. I tried again once we was recovered and hair grown back, we came back out in 2019-2020 with a bang. I showed Willie for just a few months and he climbed best allbreed alter in the Great Lakes region and finished his last requirement for the title LIFETIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARD WINNER! I am so proud of my baby. He earned Regional Wins as a kitten, cat and alter. He earned his International Win as a championship cat. With that, Willie is officially retired so that his grand kids can have the spotlight.
April 2015: Another season has come and gone and what an AMAZING ride this season was for Willie and I. This boy is a true momma's boy and made friends all over the world at shows this season. He never grumbled or complained and played like a kitten in his last final of the season even. A true gentleman & gentle giant - and another International Winner!
Many thanks to all of the many, many judges who recognized and awarded Willie with finals and to the many, many friends who supported us along the way. I couldn't be more proud of him. Most especially, my gratitude to my dear friends Veerle and Patrick in Belgium (who have Willie's brother, Jase) who hosted Willie for a European vacation.
Show Season Facts: Wilie earned 238 finals this show season with over 100 of those as best. He also had a show where he was best cat in every single ring of the two days. Definitely a first for me!
June 2014: In his very first adult show, at the young age of 8 months old, Willie not only earned the qualifications to be a Double Grand Champion, but over the two day show he was Best Cat in Show! At his second show, he became a Quad Grand Champion on Saturday and earned not one, but three Best Cats on Sunday to become a 2-show SUPREME GRAND CHAMPION!
Meet Willie (aka Silly Willie) who is the most recent addition to the Chemicoons program. From the moment he was born, my neighbor and close friend, Tracy, deemed him to be "the one". Boy was she right! Tracy's dauhhter, McKenna, my #1 kitten trainer, socializer and kitten-sitter, is Willie's co-owner. McKenna has begun showing in TICA's Junior Exhibitor program and loves showing Willie off.
Willie was one of the Duck Dynasty kittens and with the neutering of Theo, will be Theo's replacement. I think Willie got the best of both of his parents and is just exquisite. His ears are amazing - great set and placement on his head. His muzzle, chin and profile are picture perfect (see the pictures left). His long body is solid, solid, solid. And the best part of Willie, like his dad Theo and mom Tilly, is his amazing temperament. He is a total love-bug and gentle giant.
In less than two months of showing, Willie racked up tons and tons of finals (33 Best Kittens) and will be amongst the top kittens in the Great Lakes Region for the show season. Not at all shabby considering he splits the show season due to his birthday.
To start the new 2014-2015 show season off with quite the start, I am pleased to report Willie was awarded 19 Best Kittens in just two shows (and out of just 22 rings)! Now to begin in the Championship class.....
You can see the special bond that Willie and McKenna have. Willie may live at my house, but Kenna visits & plays with him every day. He also likes to spend time at her house visiting her dog, Bree, and her guinea pigs. "Silly Willie" has quite the following of fans. Win or lose though, he'll always be my baby.
Also pictured is Willie and Kenna headed to a judging ring at a recent show.

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Maine Coon Cats